While the coronavirus contagion recedes, the “epidemic” of pedestrian injury/death on Long Island streets is getting worse.
On Thursday, June 8, Walk Safe Long Island will host its first Walk Bike LI Summit at Farmingdale State College. An expert panel of traffic safety professionals, advocates, and engineers will respond to our keynote speaker and other thought-provoking questions related to safety surrounding walking and biking on Long Island.
Panelists will touch on the proliferation of micromobility devices like e-bikes, laws and regulations surrounding active transportation on Long Island, and how we can more safely share our streets to ensure safety for all road users.
Meet our keynote speaker and additional panelists:
Keynote Speaker: Diana Alati, Families for Safe Streets Advocate
Paul Steely White, Executive Director, Parks & Trails New York
Daniel Flanzig, Esq., Flanzig & Flanzig, LLP; Board of Directors, New York Bicycling Coalition
Matthew T. Carmody, PE, RSP1, Vice President, Traffic & Transportation, AKRF, Inc.
Rosemary Mascali, Co-Chair, USGBC-LI Sustainable Transportation Committee; Co-Founder, Let's Move LI Initiative
Kazem Oryani, PhD, A.M. ASCE, Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Engineering Technology; Former Manager, Transportation and Emergency Preparedness; Farmingdale State College
You don’t want to miss this opportunity to hear our keynote speaker and panelists' insights on pedestrian, cyclist, and motorist safety on Long Island’s roadways. Click here to register.
Questions? Email lihc@nshc.org or call 631-963-4167.